
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bowling day n muka2 strike...sory gamba xlawo, kamera murah....

permulaan , gaya parthiban n elly dengan yakin nya.....masing2 hebat gila...

elly tgh pilih bola yg sesuai, lina lak yakin ngn tangan "emas" nya...
gaya star membaling..pergh..dahsyat balingan dia..perghhh....
masing tgh tgk elly "throw the ball"......syahrim suka cz elly xdpt potong markah ye.....
gaya star...masing2 hebat
take two...........
dgn pantas syahrim memilih bola n terus baling seyhh......hebat ni.....
tgk tu.....strike. tu
BIVM n BLC bersatu....
gaya muka syahrim bila dh stike...hebat la.....
elly kena penyakit 1, sebab asyik je pin tinggal satu,,,fakrul tgh stress cz tbe2 jd lemah lak..napa ni, fakrul?
gaya lina bila dpt strike..melompat2......hahha
ni gaya cik farah kita, siffuuuuu......tunjur ajar ku sifu!!...haa..ni la sifu saya, ajar main bowling...
ni gaya fakrul dpt strike setelah sekian lama menunggu..hahaa..ni gak master of the curve
yaaa...ni la dia, star of the day, mr.parthiban.....big smile.....
yeeaahhh....kata elly bila dpt strike....
fakrul n elly tgk kamera, tp parthiban tgh wat analysis utk balingn seterusnya...dahsyat......
ni la gelagat junior yg bakal mendukung IYC
haaa....lagi sekali parthiban strike....siap pass sume org dlm bowling hall..hahahhaha
ni la dia muka2 bowling kita...masing2 seyum dgn lebar jayanya...hahahaha
pas main bowling, pemenang game 1st n 2nd belanja makan kfc...yeeahh...tp parthiban support cupon je..yg selebihnya,lina...huhu..thnx ye lina..
uuiishhhh....makan dgn gaya tersendiri, farah n elly sempat pose tuu....
fakrul tgh kebuluran tu, syahrim lak"eemm...enak sehingga menjilat jari, mcm iklan la"..hahahhaah
gaya satr, pemenang nye...MR.PARTHIBBBAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thnx for join, may be it's small, but very meaningful event for our sweet memory.....gd luck for exam

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quiz PNB n Gelagat Student kt Putrajaya Marriott Hotel

Quiz for PNB is very important for student to experience their study to real life, this time PNB quiz at Marriot Hotel , Putrjaya. studenst MSU whose take the participant ;
- sherlin (BIVM)
-sophia (BIVM)
-chong yuan jie (BIVM)
-fakhrul (BIVM)
-sufian (BIVM)
-farah (BIVM)
-zarith (BIB)
-ai ling (BIB)
-azrul (BIB)

Sophia and sherlin with their big smile oooooo....

pian, azrul n fakrul dgn gaya2 nya....

antara candidate yg mungkin "grab" champion in future...

masing2 nk gak pose....hahahah

Eventhough we not able to win the competition, we will keep trying to win this competition,the future participant in BIVM/BIB student will continue to carried the challenge...........